Thursday, October 11, 2012

Verizon to Sell Personal Data, Opt-Out Available

Verizon has just put a price on the respect they have for their customers. I am talking about the recent decision to share your personal information such as location, age, browser history, dining habits, and more. This information will be used by Verizon and by third parties, but details are scarce beyond that.

The worst part? This is an opt-out change. This means by default you opt-in whether you like it or not.

Yes Verizon, we, your financiers, get that you have a duty to shareholders to maximize profits and increase your margins. We aren't privy to exactly how much this arguably immoral change will boost your profit, but whatever that delta may be is certainly more valuable than the respect you have for your customers' trust.

Maybe Verizon will learn from the great stir this has caused. Maybe they will not. After all, this "only" affects smartphone users. Yes, all smartphone users. Most authors use "iPhone" in the title or body since that will get them more hits on searches, but rest assured, this mistreatment is platform agnostic.

Personally, I'm not much for worrying about a company's privacy policy usually. I submit the anonymous usage statistics on my devices. I have all my location services enabled. I have no reason to think I am an interesting enough person that tracking me is worth anyone's time. Even if I'm wrong I don't do many things (wait, Grandma are you reading this? I meant ANY things...) outside of my moral bounds that I'm ashamed of that are worth hiding from service and/or content providers.

So why my discontent over Verizon's choice? It boils down to this being a shady move. There is solid evidence to show that opt-out is vastly more successful than opt-in systems if you're trying to get people to opt-in. Selling your information to third parties is almost certainly not something a significant number of people would opt in for; so if they're going to sell your information, I supposed this is the way to do it.

Who knows, maybe Verizon will start offering us in Colorado volcano insurance next! That seems like the slippery slope their integrity is on with a move like this.

Let me know what you think of the changes in the comments. Are people blowing this out of proportion?

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