Saturday, July 27, 2013

Summer with a Nest Thermostat

A Colorado winter with the Nest thermostat was nothing short of wonderful. Check out my Living with Nest post from just a few weeks with Nest as the weather began to turn cold. Now, we're several months into a hot summer in the sunniest state in the U.S. and the Nest continues to impress.

There are two features that stand out to me - Airwave and Leafs - both serving as great complements to Auto Away, smartphone/tablet apps, informative monthly usage reports, and reliable intelligence.


Nest's Airwave feature is one of their eco-friendly, yet user experience friendly, features. Simply put, Airwave saves energy by shutting off the air conditioning before the desired temperature is reached, but leaves the fan running to run air over the ice cold coils in the air conditioner and deliver the cold air into the house as if the AC was still running.

The cost of running the fan is nearly nonexistent compared to running the compressor, so the savings during this time is tremendous. AC is not an inexpensive way to stay comfortable, saving 10 minutes of running the compressor every time the AC runs on a hot day adds up very quickly.


It has been repeatedly proven that using games, or Gamification, to motivate and inspire is extremely effective. The theory is simple - create a game-like scoring or reward system to show users a quantifiable result of their efforts. It works with weight loss, it works with achieving goals, and it works with making eco-friendly (perhaps more importantly, wallet-friendly) decisions about how to heat or cool your home.

Nest uses "Leafs" to do just this. Leafs show you when your Nest is set in such a way that it is using less and saving you more. Here is my Leaf summary from my last monthly report and the first time I was in the top 5%!

It is addicting. I enjoy seeing the tangible results of my decisions, and it is very inspiring to see that this is possible without sacrificing comfort. We like to keep the house comfortable, so achieving this didn't require putting ourselves out in any way.

It has been a lot of fun to have such an exciting piece of technology to play with. The apps are well written, stable, and intuitive. After almost a full year with the Nest, including both summer and winter, I can say with high confidence that this has been a great investment that I continue to recommend highly to family and friends.

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